Monday, September 14, 2009


Sick and tired of everything.
Good intentions paid back with nothing but hatred.
Everyone must be thinking that way.
So be it. As long as me, myself, and I,
knew that I am right and yes I will hold on.
Setbacks, breaking down, verge of giving up,
totally felt numb. Cos I know its part and parcel of life.
I know I can do it, and yes I will.
If I have to, I shall be against the world.
With my promise, I shall be strong and move on.
I shall do whats right and knew that someday,
somehow, somewhat someone will realise ---
"FML" shall happen only for one day, PERIOD.
It shall never, ever, appear in my thinkings anymore.
I shall move on and hold on.
No more contradictions and painsakes ---
Geraldine you can do it, yes you can!!!

Even though how sad or down Geraldine is,
she will always bring smiles on her faces,
cos she knew she would smile genuinely the next day.
She cherishes her friends loads.
She will face the reality because she knew she had to.
Even how pretentious her smile is,
she hopes that her friends would realise,
that the smile will be kept in her heart, indecisively. :)

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