And yesyes hi everybodyyyyyy!
Went to grandma's house againxzxz, crappings, chit-chattings and such. :D
Okay, Aunt, (you won't be hearing this but i dont give a shit,) If i had done anything really wrong please just tell me! Im really sorry for not finishing up the work i was supposed to do and you paid me my full amount. Really SORRY! ><" And thanks for the many years you've never failed for buying clothes and gifts for me when you knew i wanted them. I love you!♥ (':
Okay back to post. Decided to go to Junyi's house downstairs for swimming either every Friday/Saturday to burn fats. Since im out of TAF, the more i needa exerciseeeeeee! Gogogo Geraldine! :D Buying my swimwear next week, love mummy! (:
Ohand, (Mum is god-damned lucky.)
Once again, SORRY AUNT!
I miss you so,
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Hellohellos everybody! :3
I just got my new specs and lunch-ed at home, going out w Junyi to ep later!
Thanks mummy for giving me back my ($$$$$).
Can't wait to go out with cliques on Youth Day. Gaaaah.
Counterstrike again kkkkxzxzxz. :D<3
I haven start doing my hw once again,
lazy canxz? Weeeeeeee, im hyper yes! :D
Went to ep jalanjalan with Junyi, she bought her file and such.
Okay, then at night went out with famiy to Giant and bought some stuffs + my skyblue fbt. :D Thats all for today!
Me and Junyi :D

I love you.
I just got my new specs and lunch-ed at home, going out w Junyi to ep later!
Thanks mummy for giving me back my ($$$$$).
Can't wait to go out with cliques on Youth Day. Gaaaah.
Counterstrike again kkkkxzxzxz. :D<3
I haven start doing my hw once again,
lazy canxz? Weeeeeeee, im hyper yes! :D
Went to ep jalanjalan with Junyi, she bought her file and such.
Okay, then at night went out with famiy to Giant and bought some stuffs + my skyblue fbt. :D Thats all for today!
Me and Junyi :D

I love you.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Hello everybody! 8D
Ohyes, Thursday NO TAF (yayayayayayay!) cos' duh im out, thenthen had boring lessons like fug canxz? 4 periods of humanities, FK pl0x. _|_ ROFL!@#.
Butbut, science corruptions as usual, you know what i mean (:
Okayokay, then went for AV meeting (Term 3 no morning duty! -highxzxzxz.) :D Thenthen, home-ed. :D
Today! Morning last day duty liaoxzxzxzxz(!) Did quite okay, signals normal, no errors and such. Okays, then had boring maths, english and science lessons. Yadiyadiyadi. MT was uberrrrrrrrrrrr scary. Did my group-actings and stuffs, thenthen reading out loud lor. Chua tio canxz? See all of them looking at me like as if im a fktard. ROFL!@# Okay it ends and hurray. Went to ep with jy ate lunch walkwalked, read magazines at pops, bought my checkered top from ipzone! Offerrrr! And home-ed. :D I want my new phone and a camera please! :D
Ohyes, Thursday NO TAF (yayayayayayay!) cos' duh im out, thenthen had boring lessons like fug canxz? 4 periods of humanities, FK pl0x. _|_ ROFL!@#.
Butbut, science corruptions as usual, you know what i mean (:
Okayokay, then went for AV meeting (Term 3 no morning duty! -highxzxzxz.) :D Thenthen, home-ed. :D
Today! Morning last day duty liaoxzxzxzxz(!) Did quite okay, signals normal, no errors and such. Okays, then had boring maths, english and science lessons. Yadiyadiyadi. MT was uberrrrrrrrrrrr scary. Did my group-actings and stuffs, thenthen reading out loud lor. Chua tio canxz? See all of them looking at me like as if im a fktard. ROFL!@# Okay it ends and hurray. Went to ep with jy ate lunch walkwalked, read magazines at pops, bought my checkered top from ipzone! Offerrrr! And home-ed. :D I want my new phone and a camera please! :D
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Aloha hunks and babes! EVERYBODY ATTENTION! Im outttttta eekyweekystinkyuckysmellydirtyewy TAF! :DDDD Yes and im happy! UBERRRRRRRR.
Andyes, science lessons are horny as usual. ROFL!@# Ejectcuation and orgasm and such. Sick i know. LOL! Okay, friday's mt book presentation will screw up for sure behhh. Gaaaaaaah. Thats all, i love being myself kthanzbye. :D
Andyes, science lessons are horny as usual. ROFL!@# Ejectcuation and orgasm and such. Sick i know. LOL! Okay, friday's mt book presentation will screw up for sure behhh. Gaaaaaaah. Thats all, i love being myself kthanzbye. :D
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Yay school reopens, lala.
Ystd was damnnnnn funny.
Ms Wong ain't back from her 'accident', again and again. Gaaaaaaaah.
Okay nvms, Geog and English teacher changed! Ms Raj (Mr Raj's sister, JOKING.) and Ms Phang. :D Both friendly and nice, may do better in the subjs.
Science teacher changed to! Ms Chew, friendly too. Ohand, we're learning about Sexual Reproduction in Human. HAHAHAHAHA. The jokers infront are horny pl0x, DAMN FUNNY. Teacher was like, 'Are you guys childish or what?' -laughzx. Saddistic behhh. :x Ohand, literature period was funny tooooo! Teacher said we need to spilt ourselves into 4/5 people in a group, then act in a chapter from Rice without Rain. OHMYGOSH LA, we chosed chapter 14. Mummy was horny that day! The chapter got two disgusting scenes pl0x, one is Ned and Jinda HUG. And Ned say 'Touch me.' OMG! We laughed like so fking loud canxzxz?! Jokers laughed with us too. And Dao have to deliver the baby! ROFL!@# PUSHHHHH! Okay, sorry for those sick stuffs, im corrupted as-you-know. :X Music lessons are boring, as usual. Well today so sianxz la, had PE right after SR. 4 rounds of the field (One month w/o exercising, no stamina, needa catch up!) torturable pl0x. During assembly had Talentime Finals! The bands had their own photos designed and taken lahxz, so niceeeee. Okay i had photography duty then, took some shots and it was over. Had TAF, sat there waiting for 1/2 hour and teacher told us the instructor had some miscommunication with him (like i care?) and dismissed us. Fugger. LOL, sorry for the vulgar. And home-ed. Kthanxbye! :D
Ystd was damnnnnn funny.
Ms Wong ain't back from her 'accident', again and again. Gaaaaaaaah.
Okay nvms, Geog and English teacher changed! Ms Raj (Mr Raj's sister, JOKING.) and Ms Phang. :D Both friendly and nice, may do better in the subjs.
Science teacher changed to! Ms Chew, friendly too. Ohand, we're learning about Sexual Reproduction in Human. HAHAHAHAHA. The jokers infront are horny pl0x, DAMN FUNNY. Teacher was like, 'Are you guys childish or what?' -laughzx. Saddistic behhh. :x Ohand, literature period was funny tooooo! Teacher said we need to spilt ourselves into 4/5 people in a group, then act in a chapter from Rice without Rain. OHMYGOSH LA, we chosed chapter 14. Mummy was horny that day! The chapter got two disgusting scenes pl0x, one is Ned and Jinda HUG. And Ned say 'Touch me.' OMG! We laughed like so fking loud canxzxz?! Jokers laughed with us too. And Dao have to deliver the baby! ROFL!@# PUSHHHHH! Okay, sorry for those sick stuffs, im corrupted as-you-know. :X Music lessons are boring, as usual. Well today so sianxz la, had PE right after SR. 4 rounds of the field (One month w/o exercising, no stamina, needa catch up!) torturable pl0x. During assembly had Talentime Finals! The bands had their own photos designed and taken lahxz, so niceeeee. Okay i had photography duty then, took some shots and it was over. Had TAF, sat there waiting for 1/2 hour and teacher told us the instructor had some miscommunication with him (like i care?) and dismissed us. Fugger. LOL, sorry for the vulgar. And home-ed. Kthanxbye! :D
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Today is the last day of school holidays already.
Time passes quite fast, isn't it? Gaaaaah. Well, crapped at grandma's house as usual, chitchattings and such. Home-ed after going NTUC to buy groceries. Homework left with teenyweeny bit to end off. Tagged by Junyi to do quiz, here's it :
1. What was the connection between you and the last person that called you?
- Xue Wei, me and her? Sisters pbt laaaaa. :D
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
- Nope, rarely. I prefer leaving it on.
3. What happened at 10.00am today?
- I went to my grandma's house?
4. When did you last cry?
- Right now, swollen eyes practically every single minute/second. -.-
5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
- Biscuits? Bread?
6. What do you want in your life right now?
- For my family to be happy forever, and to do well in my exams. Get everything i want! [:
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- Umbrella.
8. Whats the favourite thing to have on your bed?
- My blankieeeee! Has my smell on it. HEH.
9. What bottoms are you wearing?
- Barbana black-grey shorts?
10. what’s bothering you right now?
- Homework ain't completed, school's starting tmr! ):
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
- No ?
12. Are you wearing anything that you borrowed from someone?
- No way.
13. What was the last movie you went to see?
- Get Smart! :D
14. What are you proud of?
- To be able to learn photography, :D
15. What does the oldest txt msg in your inbox says?
- I deleted all my msgs. :/
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
- Niwawa! LOL. Xuewei la, influenced me. :x
17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
- Ger, Geral, Piglet, Gerger, Ahdin, din, sardine? -.-
18. What does the last received text msg say? who was it from?
- I've forgotten :/
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
- About 9 plus?
20. Are you currently happy?
- No, life sucks currently.
21. Who gives you the best advice?
- Idk.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
- Maybe?
23. Who did you talk on the phone with last night?
- Mummy (Tiffanie)!
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
- Yaaaaaaaaaaa.
25. What/who was the last thing that made you laugh?
- Errrrrrr, Dad? xD
26. Do you wear toe socks?
- Nope.
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- Forgottennnnnn.
28. Have you ever have your heartbroken..
- Sort of.
29. What annoys you most in a person?
- Hypocrites, copycats, irrtating people.
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
- Yes? :x
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
- No.
32. What is the colour of your room?
- Cream yellow.
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars
- No way.
34. Do you believe in the saying " talk is cheap?
- Yes.
35. Who was the last person to lay on your bed?
- Myself duh.
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
- Forgotten.
37. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kiss?
- Idk, i dont kiss anybody.
38. Do you have a life?
- Yes, of course. Then why would I be here answering these questions? -.-
39. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didnt?
- Noooo.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Meanings, meanings of love?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
- Don't remember?
42. Last time you smiled?
- Few hours ago?
43. Have you changed this year?
- Yea, of course. Humans do change, dont they?
44. What are you listening to right now?
- Nothing. Grass cutters downstairs? Haha.
45. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
- No one.
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or close?
- Open la, stupid question.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
- Yeps! To live, to love. :D
48. Do you want someone you cant have?
- Definitely.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
- HAH. Piano with nursery rhymes? Recorder during primary school? Rofl.
50. Whats the worst idea you have had this week?
- Forgotten? Or nothing.
51. What do you think is the most attractive about the opposite sex?
- Idk, guys are guys. Girls are girls.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
- I dont have a love life,
53. What song describe your love life?
- Love song by Sara Bareilles, if I have a loved one.
54. Does the person you like know you like them?
- Nope, crushes? Gans are of course loved by me, they know it like duh!
55. Who always makes you laugh?
- Jokers, Junhao and Jinrui?
56. Do you speak any other languages other than english?
- Chinese. Hokkien and Cantonese i only understand, dont really know how to speak.
57. Are you a blonde?
- No.
58. Whats your middle name?
- Wong.
59. What are you doing tmr?
- Schooling? :/
60. Who is your best friend?
- My gans and besties! Check out the beloved column! :D
61. Who will you choose to die with?
- My family, friends and relatives?
62. Where have you been today?
- Home and grandma's house.
63. What games do you play often?
- Audi and viwawa.
64. Who are you missing right now?
- Someone, its been a month.
65. If you have to choose between friends and love, who will you choose?
- Love? Love for my friends, family, and lifetime partner :D
66. What are you doing right now?
- Typing and answering these silly questions?
67. Which primary sch are you from?
- Changkat Primary School.
68. Name three colours that you like.
- Hotpink, babypink, white, black, red.
69. What emotion do you like to show?
- Wide smiles for everyone :D
70. What is life to you?
- Life SUCKS. -.-
71. If you have something troubling you, what would you do?
- Worry, worry and worries. Keep thinking what to do to help. Grumble it to my friends.
72. Who did you chat with in msn today?
- Tiffanie mummy!
73. when is the last time you lost a friend?
- Quarrels yes, but lost, no.
74. Which month are you born in?
- Imma November baby! :D
75. How are you feeling right now?
- Pain in my eyes, im 'crying'. Worrying about school starting tmr. Gaaaaah.
76. What is the time now?
- 3.25pm.
77. Where are you now?
- At the living room, using the lappy.
78. What colour did you use to dye your hair?
- I want to dye brown! If i could, ):
79. Do you have contact lens?
- Nopes.
Anyone who wants to do this quiz can do beh!
Thats all for today. I need to pia homework ler. D:
Time passes quite fast, isn't it? Gaaaaah. Well, crapped at grandma's house as usual, chitchattings and such. Home-ed after going NTUC to buy groceries. Homework left with teenyweeny bit to end off. Tagged by Junyi to do quiz, here's it :
1. What was the connection between you and the last person that called you?
- Xue Wei, me and her? Sisters pbt laaaaa. :D
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off?
- Nope, rarely. I prefer leaving it on.
3. What happened at 10.00am today?
- I went to my grandma's house?
4. When did you last cry?
- Right now, swollen eyes practically every single minute/second. -.-
5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
- Biscuits? Bread?
6. What do you want in your life right now?
- For my family to be happy forever, and to do well in my exams. Get everything i want! [:
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- Umbrella.
8. Whats the favourite thing to have on your bed?
- My blankieeeee! Has my smell on it. HEH.
9. What bottoms are you wearing?
- Barbana black-grey shorts?
10. what’s bothering you right now?
- Homework ain't completed, school's starting tmr! ):
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
- No ?
12. Are you wearing anything that you borrowed from someone?
- No way.
13. What was the last movie you went to see?
- Get Smart! :D
14. What are you proud of?
- To be able to learn photography, :D
15. What does the oldest txt msg in your inbox says?
- I deleted all my msgs. :/
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
- Niwawa! LOL. Xuewei la, influenced me. :x
17. Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
- Ger, Geral, Piglet, Gerger, Ahdin, din, sardine? -.-
18. What does the last received text msg say? who was it from?
- I've forgotten :/
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
- About 9 plus?
20. Are you currently happy?
- No, life sucks currently.
21. Who gives you the best advice?
- Idk.
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
- Maybe?
23. Who did you talk on the phone with last night?
- Mummy (Tiffanie)!
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
- Yaaaaaaaaaaa.
25. What/who was the last thing that made you laugh?
- Errrrrrr, Dad? xD
26. Do you wear toe socks?
- Nope.
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
- Forgottennnnnn.
28. Have you ever have your heartbroken..
- Sort of.
29. What annoys you most in a person?
- Hypocrites, copycats, irrtating people.
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
- Yes? :x
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
- No.
32. What is the colour of your room?
- Cream yellow.
33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars
- No way.
34. Do you believe in the saying " talk is cheap?
- Yes.
35. Who was the last person to lay on your bed?
- Myself duh.
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
- Forgotten.
37. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kiss?
- Idk, i dont kiss anybody.
38. Do you have a life?
- Yes, of course. Then why would I be here answering these questions? -.-
39. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didnt?
- Noooo.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
- Meanings, meanings of love?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
- Don't remember?
42. Last time you smiled?
- Few hours ago?
43. Have you changed this year?
- Yea, of course. Humans do change, dont they?
44. What are you listening to right now?
- Nothing. Grass cutters downstairs? Haha.
45. Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
- No one.
46. Do you walk with your eyes open or close?
- Open la, stupid question.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
- Yeps! To live, to love. :D
48. Do you want someone you cant have?
- Definitely.
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
- HAH. Piano with nursery rhymes? Recorder during primary school? Rofl.
50. Whats the worst idea you have had this week?
- Forgotten? Or nothing.
51. What do you think is the most attractive about the opposite sex?
- Idk, guys are guys. Girls are girls.
52. Are you happy with your love life right now?
- I dont have a love life,
53. What song describe your love life?
- Love song by Sara Bareilles, if I have a loved one.
54. Does the person you like know you like them?
- Nope, crushes? Gans are of course loved by me, they know it like duh!
55. Who always makes you laugh?
- Jokers, Junhao and Jinrui?
56. Do you speak any other languages other than english?
- Chinese. Hokkien and Cantonese i only understand, dont really know how to speak.
57. Are you a blonde?
- No.
58. Whats your middle name?
- Wong.
59. What are you doing tmr?
- Schooling? :/
60. Who is your best friend?
- My gans and besties! Check out the beloved column! :D
61. Who will you choose to die with?
- My family, friends and relatives?
62. Where have you been today?
- Home and grandma's house.
63. What games do you play often?
- Audi and viwawa.
64. Who are you missing right now?
- Someone, its been a month.
65. If you have to choose between friends and love, who will you choose?
- Love? Love for my friends, family, and lifetime partner :D
66. What are you doing right now?
- Typing and answering these silly questions?
67. Which primary sch are you from?
- Changkat Primary School.
68. Name three colours that you like.
- Hotpink, babypink, white, black, red.
69. What emotion do you like to show?
- Wide smiles for everyone :D
70. What is life to you?
- Life SUCKS. -.-
71. If you have something troubling you, what would you do?
- Worry, worry and worries. Keep thinking what to do to help. Grumble it to my friends.
72. Who did you chat with in msn today?
- Tiffanie mummy!
73. when is the last time you lost a friend?
- Quarrels yes, but lost, no.
74. Which month are you born in?
- Imma November baby! :D
75. How are you feeling right now?
- Pain in my eyes, im 'crying'. Worrying about school starting tmr. Gaaaaah.
76. What is the time now?
- 3.25pm.
77. Where are you now?
- At the living room, using the lappy.
78. What colour did you use to dye your hair?
- I want to dye brown! If i could, ):
79. Do you have contact lens?
- Nopes.
Anyone who wants to do this quiz can do beh!
Thats all for today. I need to pia homework ler. D:
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hello everybody!
Went out with brother and mum to TM to get my brother a new phone -.-
He lost his phone, and my mum is like so biased la, bought for him k770i.
And i? Spoilt my phone and she dont even bother to bring it to repair. Damn sheeet.
Gaaaaaaah. I have patience, i shall wait till August to get a w580i/f330. :D
Yay, im still stuck wi a Nokia 6260! No bluetooth, no cable, no front cam! __
Kay, sorry for the vulgar. Then went to EP ate lunch and bought stuffs from NTUC and home-ed. Dyed hair for mum, too bad i cant dye ): (Waits till poly*) Kkwhatever.
Hallelujah! Watched Sweet Spy finished! :D Niceeeeeeeee korean drama, recommend to all of you la! [: EVERYBODY! Updated wishlist, check it out beh!
(Buy for me one pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee? :D)
Hoho, SWEETSPY! LeeShunAi! :D

Yay, school is gna reopen in 1 day (?) hours time! Gaaaaaaaaah, hope to get out of stinky smelly dirty yucky TAF! Acceptable weight, here i come!
Thats all for today, and thanks mummy for photocopying the geog for me! Loveeeees!
Went out with brother and mum to TM to get my brother a new phone -.-
He lost his phone, and my mum is like so biased la, bought for him k770i.
And i? Spoilt my phone and she dont even bother to bring it to repair. Damn sheeet.
Gaaaaaaah. I have patience, i shall wait till August to get a w580i/f330. :D
Yay, im still stuck wi a Nokia 6260! No bluetooth, no cable, no front cam! __
Kay, sorry for the vulgar. Then went to EP ate lunch and bought stuffs from NTUC and home-ed. Dyed hair for mum, too bad i cant dye ): (Waits till poly*) Kkwhatever.
Hallelujah! Watched Sweet Spy finished! :D Niceeeeeeeee korean drama, recommend to all of you la! [: EVERYBODY! Updated wishlist, check it out beh!
(Buy for me one pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee? :D)
Hoho, SWEETSPY! LeeShunAi! :D

Yay, school is gna reopen in 1 day (?) hours time! Gaaaaaaaaah, hope to get out of stinky smelly dirty yucky TAF! Acceptable weight, here i come!
Thats all for today, and thanks mummy for photocopying the geog for me! Loveeeees!
Friday, June 20, 2008

Heeeeehawwww! Felt so much better after this sheeetxzxzxz. Today's outing cancelled ): Mama cant go, so never go ler. yawnxz- My geog paper is with Seri laaaaa! But mummy promised to photocopy, then send it right to my doorstep at 10plus tmr morning :D Heheheh. Thanks mummy! Boreddddd, left alone at home. Everybody out, while im stucked at home doing nothing. Nvms, watch korean drama! andand, do homework! Left with chinese articles, geog paper and articles. Script done but hastily, i dont give a fxcking damn. :D -laughs. Oh and, i need touch-up my artpieces! School's gna reopen in 3 days people! Enjoy the last few days, [:

Heeeeehawwww! Felt so much better after this sheeetxzxzxz. Today's outing cancelled ): Mama cant go, so never go ler. yawnxz- My geog paper is with Seri laaaaa! But mummy promised to photocopy, then send it right to my doorstep at 10plus tmr morning :D Heheheh. Thanks mummy! Boreddddd, left alone at home. Everybody out, while im stucked at home doing nothing. Nvms, watch korean drama! andand, do homework! Left with chinese articles, geog paper and articles. Script done but hastily, i dont give a fxcking damn. :D -laughs. Oh and, i need touch-up my artpieces! School's gna reopen in 3 days people! Enjoy the last few days, [:
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Hello everybody! :D
Went out with cliques to E!hub todayyyyyy (w/o uncle, jinrui and cliff, they couldn't goooooo. ):)
Xuewei met up with me at simei mrt station at 11 on the platform first, we train-ed to pasir ris.
Went to white sands jalan cos' its still early. Haha, returned the I ♥ U Baby book and comics. Bored la, then bus-ed to E!Hub, walked around too. Then the three of them came, bought tickets to watch Get Smart at 12.50. Watched the show, EFFING FUNNY! hahahaha. :D Nice nice show. Then we went to pasir ris park and walked a long distance to reach the children's playground. :D Played awhile, went back to pasir ris and arcade-d using Alvis's card. OHMANXZXZXZ, COUNTERSTRIKE RULES! :D Heeehaww. House of the Dead especially. Is exceptionally funnnnn! Cos' really can vent your anger by shooting the mutants, seriously. :D♥ Then train-ed back home with xw, the rest bus-ed home. Ohyes, my homework isn't completed. -.-' Fxcksheetxzxzxz you know, i really hate doing homework, especially when you know the school is gonna reopen. :/
Gahhhhhhhhhhhh, i want another month of holidays, puhleeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeeeee? D:
Went out with cliques to E!hub todayyyyyy (w/o uncle, jinrui and cliff, they couldn't goooooo. ):)
Xuewei met up with me at simei mrt station at 11 on the platform first, we train-ed to pasir ris.
Went to white sands jalan cos' its still early. Haha, returned the I ♥ U Baby book and comics. Bored la, then bus-ed to E!Hub, walked around too. Then the three of them came, bought tickets to watch Get Smart at 12.50. Watched the show, EFFING FUNNY! hahahaha. :D Nice nice show. Then we went to pasir ris park and walked a long distance to reach the children's playground. :D Played awhile, went back to pasir ris and arcade-d using Alvis's card. OHMANXZXZXZ, COUNTERSTRIKE RULES! :D Heeehaww. House of the Dead especially. Is exceptionally funnnnn! Cos' really can vent your anger by shooting the mutants, seriously. :D♥ Then train-ed back home with xw, the rest bus-ed home. Ohyes, my homework isn't completed. -.-' Fxcksheetxzxzxz you know, i really hate doing homework, especially when you know the school is gonna reopen. :/
Gahhhhhhhhhhhh, i want another month of holidays, puhleeeeeeeeeeezeeeeeeeeeeeeee? D:
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Oh hi everybody!
Damn sucky weather, horrible day to start off pl0x! _|_
Haha. Okay sorry for those vulgar. Damn shitz, ystd went to school for scanning those photos once again, and haven completed. Xw and me bochap le lah, dont finish then finish it during cca time ba. @_@ Okay nvms, then home-ed. Changed to home clothes and went jalanjalan with junyi at ard 4plus. Bought colouredpapers for my damn chinese proj (Yuedumiji). AHLAH, need pia homework alr can? -- Sianxzxzzxzxzxzxxxxzxz! Then home-ed again.
Today morning! Went out with my dad and bro for brunch. breakfast/lunch(?) Roflxz. Okay, nice wonton mee la :D LOL! And bought some snacks home. Xuewei coming to my house later, so shall update more about it at night beh. :/ IM BORED AND TMR IS E!HUB DAY (FINALLY!) LOL. Uncle so bad, ignore me liaoxzxzxzxz, sms and msn also dao me. FINE!:B Sobsxzxzxzxz. Okay, i love to xzxzxzxzxzxzxzxz :D Thats all for now~ Ciaos! (Ordered my elmo and little miss sunshineeeee! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!)
editted* Seri and xuewei was at my house, tried to do homework but failed. LOL! Watched Price is Right and Wheel of Fortune. Heh, then went to ep kfc slacked and ate. And home-ed.♥
Damn sucky weather, horrible day to start off pl0x! _|_
Haha. Okay sorry for those vulgar. Damn shitz, ystd went to school for scanning those photos once again, and haven completed. Xw and me bochap le lah, dont finish then finish it during cca time ba. @_@ Okay nvms, then home-ed. Changed to home clothes and went jalanjalan with junyi at ard 4plus. Bought colouredpapers for my damn chinese proj (Yuedumiji). AHLAH, need pia homework alr can? -- Sianxzxzzxzxzxzxxxxzxz! Then home-ed again.
Today morning! Went out with my dad and bro for brunch. breakfast/lunch(?) Roflxz. Okay, nice wonton mee la :D LOL! And bought some snacks home. Xuewei coming to my house later, so shall update more about it at night beh. :/ IM BORED AND TMR IS E!HUB DAY (FINALLY!) LOL. Uncle so bad, ignore me liaoxzxzxzxz, sms and msn also dao me. FINE!:B Sobsxzxzxzxz. Okay, i love to xzxzxzxzxzxzxzxz :D Thats all for now~ Ciaos! (Ordered my elmo and little miss sunshineeeee! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!)
editted* Seri and xuewei was at my house, tried to do homework but failed. LOL! Watched Price is Right and Wheel of Fortune. Heh, then went to ep kfc slacked and ate. And home-ed.♥
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hello everybody! 8D
Im back once again, now in the library comp room slacking and scanning those MDAS project photos. -yawnsxxzxzxzxz. D:
Well, sorry for not updating for weeks, ps.
Thursday went out with Huixin and Junyi to eastpoint and tampines mall slacking and such. Walkwalked, windowshopping yeaps. And ate lunch. Home-ed by taking bus with jennifer after she came out from going out with her sec sch classmates.
Friday went to PP and Aunt's house with cousins! We went to eat lunch at the food court downstairs. Followed by arcade-ing! Spent about 30$$ on games? Counterstrikes, basketball, drums rhythms, racing motorbikes and cars. :] (Practically the whole arcade kkkkk. :D) Saw Adrian Pang and Lin Xian Ping, i think acting or such at the arcade ba. Damn funny, :D Then went to their house played a round of mahjong :D Ate dinner with them and home-ed with durians. :]
Saturday! Aunt smsed me to go to her house to do artworks for her, (20cents per piece.) I did about 40++ and got 10bucks! :DD Bought a hotpink xt2 shorts. Yippies!
(I finally saved $$$ to blogshop! <3) Heeehawww.
Father's day! 0h and morning continued with some more artworks and family came to visit. Actually my aunts bought a secondhand drawer from her friend, and then at the last minute her friend told her she forgotten that she sold the drawer to another person at a higher price. To me, this kind of people really are dishonest. At the very last minute as a friend, she's so untrustable. My aunt was very angry with her friend, i think she isnt worth to be a friend la pl0x. _|_ Stupid idiot person bullies my aunt, you're meanieeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Home-ed and mum got cheated buying 30$$ for 4 durians (Durians again, remember friday? D:) == Dad was angry on father's day ): Sorry daddy!
Monday which is today la, nothing to talk about alr. Need chiong homework and such, now still scanning photos in progress. (Im left with Geog 5 articles, Geog paper, Chinese 15 articles, Chinese script for the storybook and Art one piece of drawing.)
I've got to complete them before Wednesday!!
Going out with cliques to E!hub on Thursday and going out with mummy and daddy to esplanade on friday. Can't wait! Gotta continue scanning photos --, Ciaos and cheerios people! :D
Im back once again, now in the library comp room slacking and scanning those MDAS project photos. -yawnsxxzxzxzxz. D:
Well, sorry for not updating for weeks, ps.
Thursday went out with Huixin and Junyi to eastpoint and tampines mall slacking and such. Walkwalked, windowshopping yeaps. And ate lunch. Home-ed by taking bus with jennifer after she came out from going out with her sec sch classmates.
Friday went to PP and Aunt's house with cousins! We went to eat lunch at the food court downstairs. Followed by arcade-ing! Spent about 30$$ on games? Counterstrikes, basketball, drums rhythms, racing motorbikes and cars. :] (Practically the whole arcade kkkkk. :D) Saw Adrian Pang and Lin Xian Ping, i think acting or such at the arcade ba. Damn funny, :D Then went to their house played a round of mahjong :D Ate dinner with them and home-ed with durians. :]
Saturday! Aunt smsed me to go to her house to do artworks for her, (20cents per piece.) I did about 40++ and got 10bucks! :DD Bought a hotpink xt2 shorts. Yippies!
(I finally saved $$$ to blogshop! <3) Heeehawww.
Father's day! 0h and morning continued with some more artworks and family came to visit. Actually my aunts bought a secondhand drawer from her friend, and then at the last minute her friend told her she forgotten that she sold the drawer to another person at a higher price. To me, this kind of people really are dishonest. At the very last minute as a friend, she's so untrustable. My aunt was very angry with her friend, i think she isnt worth to be a friend la pl0x. _|_ Stupid idiot person bullies my aunt, you're meanieeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Home-ed and mum got cheated buying 30$$ for 4 durians (Durians again, remember friday? D:) == Dad was angry on father's day ): Sorry daddy!
Monday which is today la, nothing to talk about alr. Need chiong homework and such, now still scanning photos in progress. (Im left with Geog 5 articles, Geog paper, Chinese 15 articles, Chinese script for the storybook and Art one piece of drawing.)
I've got to complete them before Wednesday!!
Going out with cliques to E!hub on Thursday and going out with mummy and daddy to esplanade on friday. Can't wait! Gotta continue scanning photos --, Ciaos and cheerios people! :D
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
oh yes and hi everybody! :D
Today just had a wonderful breakfast made by my dad! Thanks loads daddy!♥
(Eggs with kayabread. Loved!)
Well, Monday went to school with Xuewei and did the MDAS proj, had some photos scanned stucked in the computer room for like 3 hours? -.-
Then had lunch at Ep Banquet, and walked around Ep, then home-ed :D
Ystd was loveddddd!♥ Went out to TM with my bro at about 11 to meet my cousins! :D
Went to the cinema and bought tickets to watch The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian! Ohmanxzxxzxzx, the show is niceeeeeeeeeee! UBER NICEEEE. :]
I pruned them, ohoho. Took some candid shots, but didnt take nice shots together ):
Nvms, friday they're coming again! Hope can stay overnight or smth :D
The candid shots are in my cousins' phones. I'll get from them someday and post later kay. :D Later going out for proj at Tamp inter kfc, *yawns. :/
editted* (After chinese proj peekchures! Includes me, tiffanie, eunice and xueyi.)
Me and mummy! :D


Hear no evil, Speak no evil, See no evil, Emo no evil(?)

7,5,3,1? (Odd numbers poses! :D)

Randomness :D

Yay, us!

G.E.X.T. Represents nothing but randomness lah. :]

Me and xueyi! :D

Love this picture loads pl0x! <3

Thats all!
Cheerios to everybody!
Today just had a wonderful breakfast made by my dad! Thanks loads daddy!♥
(Eggs with kayabread. Loved!)
Well, Monday went to school with Xuewei and did the MDAS proj, had some photos scanned stucked in the computer room for like 3 hours? -.-
Then had lunch at Ep Banquet, and walked around Ep, then home-ed :D
Ystd was loveddddd!♥ Went out to TM with my bro at about 11 to meet my cousins! :D
Went to the cinema and bought tickets to watch The Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian! Ohmanxzxxzxzx, the show is niceeeeeeeeeee! UBER NICEEEE. :]
I pruned them, ohoho. Took some candid shots, but didnt take nice shots together ):
Nvms, friday they're coming again! Hope can stay overnight or smth :D
The candid shots are in my cousins' phones. I'll get from them someday and post later kay. :D Later going out for proj at Tamp inter kfc, *yawns. :/
editted* (After chinese proj peekchures! Includes me, tiffanie, eunice and xueyi.)
Me and mummy! :D


Hear no evil, Speak no evil, See no evil, Emo no evil(?)

7,5,3,1? (Odd numbers poses! :D)

Randomness :D

Yay, us!

G.E.X.T. Represents nothing but randomness lah. :]

Me and xueyi! :D

Love this picture loads pl0x! <3

Thats all!
Cheerios to everybody!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Aloha! :D
Ystd went out with bangs to tm, cs and ep. Bored sheetxzxz, just windowshoppings.
Today went out with my aunts to bugis :D
Walked tons, bought a pair of slippers and a tshirt from Bossini. Ohmanxz, kittens are cuteeeeeee. :]
Also a UV whitening lotion for day. Spots and such, youknowmyfaceishorrid. (hehaw.)
Im gna make sure I get my hands on that myuk handbag pleaseeeeeeee. I want it desperate. D: Andand, Bf shirt! Argh.
its so boring stuck at home for the holidays. It sucks you know it. Going out with cousins and bangs again next week! Can't wait :D
Oh sheeetxzxzxz bodoh, i haven started my homework!
Ystd went out with bangs to tm, cs and ep. Bored sheetxzxz, just windowshoppings.
Today went out with my aunts to bugis :D
Walked tons, bought a pair of slippers and a tshirt from Bossini. Ohmanxz, kittens are cuteeeeeee. :]
Also a UV whitening lotion for day. Spots and such, youknowmyfaceishorrid. (hehaw.)
Im gna make sure I get my hands on that myuk handbag pleaseeeeeeee. I want it desperate. D: Andand, Bf shirt! Argh.
its so boring stuck at home for the holidays. It sucks you know it. Going out with cousins and bangs again next week! Can't wait :D
Oh sheeetxzxzxz bodoh, i haven started my homework!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hello people!
Ystd went for proj with tiffanie, xuewei, xiangyue, eunice, darius, jason and xuewen.
Af first we girls go find darius and jason at the foodcourt, and wait till they makan finish then we go mac and find xuewen (-.-).
Then he was eating there, and we kept on laughing for no reasons. Okay, nvms.
Then went to KFC and they started on their chi proj. Me and xuewei were like slacking there, damn boredxzxzxz. LOL. D:
After they completed, we went to marineparadelibrary~ Went to the adult section to find books and found many interesting ones that made us kept on laughing pl0x.
found my comic books and an art box! not a art box actually, is just a book with many nice artworks, its a character collection book. damn nice :D The works inside are damn cool lah. and the name of the book is I ♥ U Baby! :D Agree man. I look the book, baby. HAHA. Gna draw some for my art manxzxzxxz. (-laughxz.) Im gna make sure that i get an A for my art, at least. Gahhhhhh, and went to minitoons bought chocolate mirrors. All of us of course only girls :D Only for $1.50! Cheap and cuteeee. And big enough. [: Okay, right now staying at home blogging and such, I tell you guys! Strawberry milk with strawberry swiss roll is the love bodoh! Must try! :D
Editted* (added some photos yaw,, credits for some edittings, EUNICE JIE.)
Those pictures speak a thousand words :D

I look effing ugly :x

Love this loads, reflections! :D

Blur, but nice :D

Fringe ): (Eunice jie dearest,♥)

Randomness! :B

Thats all about yesterday,
I need to level for audi!♥ D:
Hello people!
Ystd went for proj with tiffanie, xuewei, xiangyue, eunice, darius, jason and xuewen.
Af first we girls go find darius and jason at the foodcourt, and wait till they makan finish then we go mac and find xuewen (-.-).
Then he was eating there, and we kept on laughing for no reasons. Okay, nvms.
Then went to KFC and they started on their chi proj. Me and xuewei were like slacking there, damn boredxzxzxz. LOL. D:
After they completed, we went to marineparadelibrary~ Went to the adult section to find books and found many interesting ones that made us kept on laughing pl0x.
found my comic books and an art box! not a art box actually, is just a book with many nice artworks, its a character collection book. damn nice :D The works inside are damn cool lah. and the name of the book is I ♥ U Baby! :D Agree man. I look the book, baby. HAHA. Gna draw some for my art manxzxzxxz. (-laughxz.) Im gna make sure that i get an A for my art, at least. Gahhhhhh, and went to minitoons bought chocolate mirrors. All of us of course only girls :D Only for $1.50! Cheap and cuteeee. And big enough. [: Okay, right now staying at home blogging and such, I tell you guys! Strawberry milk with strawberry swiss roll is the love bodoh! Must try! :D
Editted* (added some photos yaw,, credits for some edittings, EUNICE JIE.)
Those pictures speak a thousand words :D

I look effing ugly :x

Love this loads, reflections! :D

Blur, but nice :D

Fringe ): (Eunice jie dearest,♥)

Randomness! :B

Thats all about yesterday,
I need to level for audi!♥ D:
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Yoohooooo people!
Im now in a (damn bored sheetxzxxzxzxzxx mood).
Why? Cos' my bangs are in camp! Got it? And im left all alone, playing audi by myself, no chats, all alone at home like stoning pl0x. D:
Only mummy have those concerns to chat with me lah, thanks mummy!♥
Haha, now got some gans at audi once again, :D
And couple with kaijie93! <3 Kaijie is loved in audi♥
Hahaha, :] Bored manxzxzxz.
Wawa is boring to me now, audi toooooo. (w/o bangs)
Tmr going for a science proj with Mummy, eunice/xy/xw jie, darius kor, lionel (he'll probably not go, sleeping like a pig), jason and xuewen. Mass of people going to Marine Parade Mac and own the whole place just for 2E4 :D LOL! Haha, me and xw extra lah at first, cos' the rest is do chinese proj one. We doing sci after they finished, so Xw jie and me gna be kajiao-ers and kajiao them! 8D
Ahahaha. ^^ Iyooooooo, i want my --xREMIX to lvl to 18 lahhhhh! faster be amatuer pl0x! ):
I miss my bangs! T_T♥
Thats all for today? Audi-ing as usual lata~
Why do i miss you still?
And you'll never know whats going on in my mind,
Im now in a (damn bored sheetxzxxzxzxzxx mood).
Why? Cos' my bangs are in camp! Got it? And im left all alone, playing audi by myself, no chats, all alone at home like stoning pl0x. D:
Only mummy have those concerns to chat with me lah, thanks mummy!♥
Haha, now got some gans at audi once again, :D
And couple with kaijie93! <3 Kaijie is loved in audi♥
Hahaha, :] Bored manxzxzxz.
Wawa is boring to me now, audi toooooo. (w/o bangs)
Tmr going for a science proj with Mummy, eunice/xy/xw jie, darius kor, lionel (he'll probably not go, sleeping like a pig), jason and xuewen. Mass of people going to Marine Parade Mac and own the whole place just for 2E4 :D LOL! Haha, me and xw extra lah at first, cos' the rest is do chinese proj one. We doing sci after they finished, so Xw jie and me gna be kajiao-ers and kajiao them! 8D
Ahahaha. ^^ Iyooooooo, i want my --xREMIX to lvl to 18 lahhhhh! faster be amatuer pl0x! ):
I miss my bangs! T_T♥
Thats all for today? Audi-ing as usual lata~
Why do i miss you still?
And you'll never know whats going on in my mind,
Monday, June 2, 2008
Hello earthlings! :D
Bored today pl0x. Went to school early in the morning w/o my beauty sleep lah. Eff it. And went to school for some MDAS project, went to the library to find out that the librarian isn't there. The cleaners were like slacking there and locked the door, with the damn bucket of mop and stuffs outside. Then Xw and I waited there for like quite long, then called Ms Lee. She came up and tried opening the door, and it opened? Wth. Is the other door thats locked. Eff it right? Then we went in and did some diggings for those photos. And realised they aren't there. So teacher told us to come next week. When im like hoping to do finish the projs and hws by this week?
Fine then, Xw and I went to bedok BK and eat lunch then go home. What a stupid day.
(Wl, I WANT TO GO OUT! But homeworks and projs not done! Damn the sheetxzxzxzxz. Next week going out for projs and outings, i gotta finish my hw by this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) -Zxzxzxz. -laughs. I know im mad.
Thats all and kkthxbai.
Bored today pl0x. Went to school early in the morning w/o my beauty sleep lah. Eff it. And went to school for some MDAS project, went to the library to find out that the librarian isn't there. The cleaners were like slacking there and locked the door, with the damn bucket of mop and stuffs outside. Then Xw and I waited there for like quite long, then called Ms Lee. She came up and tried opening the door, and it opened? Wth. Is the other door thats locked. Eff it right? Then we went in and did some diggings for those photos. And realised they aren't there. So teacher told us to come next week. When im like hoping to do finish the projs and hws by this week?
Fine then, Xw and I went to bedok BK and eat lunch then go home. What a stupid day.
(Wl, I WANT TO GO OUT! But homeworks and projs not done! Damn the sheetxzxzxzxz. Next week going out for projs and outings, i gotta finish my hw by this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) -Zxzxzxz. -laughs. I know im mad.
Thats all and kkthxbai.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Hello everybody!
(Weekend sucks.)
Grandma house as usual yeaps. (No need describe alr right, is just every Sunday.)
Saturday my aunt and cousin came my house, ate dinner together and home-ed.
Next week i have to start my mugging for homework yaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!
Complete projects and stuffs to enjoy my last half of the holidays.
Mass outings! (I dont care.)
But i need $$$$$$$$$$ badly. Holidays = $$$.
Understand what I mean. I want my wishlist to be striked offffffff. (Impossible.)
Gahhhh. Wawa, chiong-ed daidi le. 150 wins manxzxzxz! Haha. [:
Thats all for today, much randomness.
(Weekend sucks.)
Grandma house as usual yeaps. (No need describe alr right, is just every Sunday.)
Saturday my aunt and cousin came my house, ate dinner together and home-ed.
Next week i have to start my mugging for homework yaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!
Complete projects and stuffs to enjoy my last half of the holidays.
Mass outings! (I dont care.)
But i need $$$$$$$$$$ badly. Holidays = $$$.
Understand what I mean. I want my wishlist to be striked offffffff. (Impossible.)
Gahhhh. Wawa, chiong-ed daidi le. 150 wins manxzxzxz! Haha. [:
Thats all for today, much randomness.
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