Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy 43rd Singapore National Day!

Hello people! Boring day la deh.
Morning went out w family to PP,
ate breakfast at Koo Kee and like went shopping?
Shopped around, nothing seems nice :/
Bought a pair of flipflops at Royal Sporting House.
Then wanted to go home, passed by the Bedok floral place.
(idk how whats the real name of the place sowie.)
Then went to buy plants :D
Mum bought potted plants and such, i wanted a cactus!
Mum doesn't let, she say it isn't good to have a cactus home ):
So in the end bought a idk-whats-the-name-again plant :D
Cute, pretty, mini and simple. Nice la deh.
Need to water it only once a week, goodie right.
My precious plant kkkkk, (after the experience of last yr.)
Tsktsk. Lolsxz.
Ouhkayxzx, n0thiing muchzx lurzx l0rrxzx. H0me-edd lerzx luhhx.
(Omg im twitting.) ._.
Ciaos! :D

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