Life is nothing but a dream. Says who. ㅋㅋ~ All I really wish is to end this 4 months short and sweet. Sorry for not blogging as frequently as before as you and I know, as years go by my life gets miserable each day. There's practically nothing to share to everyone. I'm sorry.
Oh yes, I guess everyone know I love procrastinating. I'm shocked that even people that I have yet to talk to knows about this. I really need to look into more procrastination quotes, just to get myself really going. Period. -_-
Lol. Hi-5 session with BEAST tmr. Just can't wait. 두준 현승 준형 요섭 기광 동운! 비스트, 화이팅! ♥ Hmmm YG summer, baby! Fucking can't wait. SHINee's comeback on my bro's bday too. ㅋㅋㅋ My babies~ <3
I'm done with A.Maths from the past 6 hours of hardcore sessions. Left with E.Maths, Core geog and Chemistry untouched. Got to start on them and completed by Friday. :) Geraldine, you can do it! Just like you always do. ㅋㅋ
Caught Toy Story 3 with eizmom ystd. It was fucking nice. Twinge of melancholy at certain parts. PIXAR never fail in making movies that good. ㅋㅋ
Cousins' housewarming @ Pinnacle@Duxton on Saturday. Can't wait to go to the Sky Garden for some REAL breather. Breath-taking scenery is a must-see after all I've been through.
Shall continue fangirling my kpop beloved. Kthxbye.
I have realized that many cycles just repeats by itself again and again, yet I'm still repeatedly acting like a stupid fool. It just gets on me and never leaves. That's how i get fucking annoyed by little things that revolves around me. I believe in miracles. I believe that 2010 is just a bad number that will not appear after a period of 4 months in my life, ever again. Screw you, him, her, them and everyone in this world who suck. Damn you, suckers. Read between the lines, right at your fucked-up face.
Hi people. Real sorry for not updating frequently. Not really into blogging these days. Want any updates about me just follow me on twitter keke ^^ Last weekend was a blast. Friday went to The Square @ Furama Hotel for dinner buffet. Food there was pretty awesome. Went to walk around Clarke Quay, the night view there is jjang! Will post pictures some fine day. (I doubt I will do so keke :P) Saturday went retail with my family. Bought some stuffs here and there @ Bugis. Felt pretty awesome! It's been kinda long since I went Bugis too keke. Sunday was Daddy's birthday. Had a nice lunch made by mum and dad. Glutinous rice success! ^^ Then had dinner @ Swensens. Salmon saute yumyumz. Then went shopping for mum's (yi li yi li) shoes. Okay inside joke. Those shoes with massaging soles you know. So bought a pair of crocs @ 70$ i guess? Keke. Got my black dickies and imma happy kid keke. ^^ k these two days camping + rotting @ home. Gotta really sit down and start doing my hwk real soon!! Procrastinator blabbing tsk. Annoyed by self yknow it sucks. -_- Okay it's been long since I did so many things just like typing this long post keke. Kthxbye follow me on twitter readers! ^^ Annyeong! xoxo♥
Hi people back from the harsh reality. Mye turned out as what you and I expected~ Been pretty obsessed with kpop these days. 2pm, SHINee, Big Bang hwaiting! ^_^ Life has always been boring since the beginning of 2010. But all these will end in 6 months more. Geraldine, you can do it! ㅋㅋ Tolerance doesn't take part of my worries, never. ^_^ Shall continue watching WGM + Idol Army wooooo~ Kthxbye~
Oh and yes, don't fucking underestimate me. See who's the heartless and cold one. If you want me to name a thing that I'm pretty confident of myself; this is it! "Play along if you dare! I don't bite!" Bring it on~~~
In the midst of reaching my goals now. On hiatus till when feel like it. Meanwhile, keep tagging! (I will reply asap.) GERALDINE FIGHTING!! SHINEE FIGHTING!! MINHO OPPA FIGHTING!!! ^_^
P.S: Happy Belated 21st Birthday Jonghyun oppa!! Love you xoxo :D
I love 최민호!! ♡ Okay im mad. Ystd's sports day was pretty alright. Got sunburnt for no reason. -_- Three cheers for Winners! \m/\m/ ^_^ After sports day was x1000000 fun. Went out with eizmom, edna, weiyi, valerie, seri, anisah, maisarah + others. :D Had loads of fun camwhoring @ open plaza. Crapped with W, E, V and T about everything. SHINEE FTW! SNSD TOO! :D Hahahahhaha ~does the edna's possessed onew condition's dance~ HAHAHAHA. So funny. Omo. Bought matching name tags. I GOT MINHO'S! AHHHH. Weiyi got Yuri's, Edna got Onew's, eizmom got GD's. Heheheheheh. I think we pissed the shop owner at CC. Heh ^_^" It always happens with fangirls like us there. :) Qzdyh was super upsetting. I pity Shen Aili honestly. Can't wait for earth hour later!! Shall post ystd's pictures + maybe today's if we have the time to camwhore soon! :) Love you guys xoxo.
Thurs - Out to Club St. with homo. Bought some random stuff and matching tee from Cotton On. Fri - Eizmom came over to my house and did some work + tv + comp :) Sat - Rot @ home. Tv, comp + work. Sun - Rot @ home too :)
Today was average. Typical first day of school after holidays feeling. Had a long day in school. Had approx 1.5 hrs of Amaths. A great depletion of my brain cells oh well. Ms Shawa called me after core geog lesson and I was like so afraid that I did anything wrong. Turned out to be a piece of good news: I'm out of the small group!! :) Back with the main class~ But actually i felt 50/50. I wanted to be in the main class because I felt less sleepy. In contrary I wanted to stay with the small group coz I might concentrate a teeny better. But anyhoo, I'm happy with the decision made anyway. :P Physics lesson was pretty fun. Crapped with Edna and Weiyi about SHINee. I love Minho forever!! ^_^ Hehehe. Okay shall stop here. Hafta complete double maths TYS + chem paper asap. Oral on wed/thurs. Wish me good luck. I hope I won't be blanked out/stammer attack. I have a very bad feeling that P.E is ain't gna be awesome. But a run wouldn't be bad. I need to lose fats + take a breather + relieve some fucking stress. K bye people don't miss me. Might not update too often anymore~ Annyong!! ^_^
Had core geog remedial from 9-12. Got back my paper. Super extremely damned fucking shocked. Finally like FINALLY I got an A1 for core geog!! Omg please slap me awake I really got an A1 HAHA. Anyway after remedial went to Bedok library with geek, weng and yijun. :) Borrowed 7 chinese novels, I know I'm crazy. That determination to get an A for chinese is just too strong for me to suppress it. HAHAHA. Stupid reason. I shall start on my homework tomorrow or maybe tonight. I AM PROCRASTINATING SINCE MONDAY. Urgh. I love Minho with his tied-up hair. Simply irresistably cute + charming. Oppa forever!! ♥ ^_^ K shall stop repeating about Minho time & again. (but its uncontrollable honestly) Sorry if you hate me mentioning about him but you may just stop visiting my blog if you have to. :) Okay b.
Hi readers. I have not started on holiday homework yet. I have to!! The procrastination doesn't stop when it concerns fangirling + anything about kpop okay. -_- *sigh* Today's CIP was crap. I really rest my case on the kids. Bunch of flies are seriously irksome. Stop spreading dengue and fuck off man. Eeew? Whatever~ After that went to 18 Chefs for lunch with Weiyi, Edna, Valerie, Seri, Raihanah, Maisarah, Anisah and Ashari. After that went off with W, E and V to jalan around Eastpoint. Slacked + crapped a lot > Home~ I love bitching with them about SHINee hehehe. AWESUMZ! (Y) Edna's singing never fails to make me laugh. HAHA. Replay replay replay~~ JULIETTE!~~ AMIGO! (laugh until cry) ^_^
Hello babies! (influential) Heheheheh. Overall today was bad. (N) Shawa cancelled lesson @ the very last minute. So decided to go out with V and E. Went to simei KFC for breakfast and they came to my house :D After that trained to tampines as V collected her watches then we headed to school for humans lesson. In conclusion, we went to school for only an 1 hour +. Screwed or what? What is there to whine about when my life ends up like this practically everyday. *sigh* Shall zoom off to fangirl more!! I love 민호 for as long as i live. ♥♥♥ 샤이니 fighting!! ^_^
P.S: I shall have quotes from SHINee as my blog posts titles. Teehehe. :P
Sigh. Kinda regretted not going for ystd's and today's events. Caught a whole bunch of fancams @ youtube. ~jealous @ those fans who can see SHINee upclose~ Well well, ystd went out with homo to shop + make gift @ her house :) Thn went home @ 5 plus, got rushed for dinner. Long conversation last night, awesumz. (Y) Those were the days! Heheheh. ^_^" Changed blogskin ystd, comments? :) I love SHINee and BigBang forever! ♥ God. I have humans lessons for 5 hours in school tmr. Pretty awesome life or what. -_- Can't wait for Hello Baby Ep 9! ^_^ I so love the quote as my blog post title. <3 K b luvs~~ :DV
I'm dying while waiting for Hello Baby Ep 8 chi/eng subs to be released. I hate it when days like this happens when I'm in a foul mood. Just updated background + profile picture in Twitter. I'm sorta inactive over here so, meanwhile go over Twitter kthnks ppl!! :) K b. ~zooms~
Caught Alice in Wonderland with geek and eizmom. A pretty awesome show! Johnny Depp is awesomely funny. :) I miss BigBang soooo much x100000!! I hope they'll have their album out soon. D:> Okay can't wait for CIP nxt wk + day out with homo on sat!! ^_^ Shall sink back into my very own oblivious world heh b.
When the world's crashing down When I fall and hit the ground I will turn myself around Don't you try to stop me I,I, I won't cry Alice - Avril Lavigne.
Eeeeeeeeeeeergh my nose seem burnt. Lucky no significant skin tone difference heheheh ^_^" ANYHOO, Mr Tan is an old grumpy man!!!!! o_____- He seemed dubious of my ability to jump and guess what. I just jumped and he went speechless for a second. Heheheh not funny right i know. But was meant to b a joke -_-''' I watched a whole show (28 EPS) in 3 days yknow!! AWESOME ME. And mon not considered one day coz got cca till 5 plus. Started the show @ 6 plus HAHAHA. I love Lee Seung Gi! Super adorable <3 Hehehehe. Shining Inheritanceeeeee! @^@ Kekekekekek3x. Im twitting~ Anywayz can't wait to watch Alice in Wonderland 3D on friday~~ Finally get to borrow tons of books tmr. But i wonder when i would have spare time to read them considering the piles of homework stacking -_- From amaths to emaths, phy to chem, SPEECHLESS. ._. Dududududeedum. Im boreeeeeed! :O Okay shall stop here and continue stalking mnet 2NE1 + Bigbang TV! \m/\m/ I miss watching Yoogeun + appas. Aigoo. I can just be a Korean now. :x K beeeeeeeez~ ^_^V
Brilliant legacy is an extremely awesome show. 이승기 한효주~~ ♥ Hm gna go for some retail tmr with eizmom :) Can't wait for star avenue to come out too. ^^ --- I can't stop the kpop craze its all over me now. :P
Screw emaths. I lost 6 careless marks. -_- Even ppl around me think its demoralizing. ~_~ Im starting to waver :'( ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH T^T Whatever~ Went window shopping w eizmom today. I FINALLY FOUND ALL MY ACCESSORIES MUST NEEDS. Omg im going to buy them on saturday weeeeee~ I seriously practically always have a fetish on accessories. They just can't seem to be out of sight so, um ya. ^_^" Can't wait for fancams on 13th. I've learnt to let go :) Hm Hello Baby Ep 7 come out quick~!! :P K shall stop here b.
Omg fangirl destroys all emotional sh!tz seriously. Im so glad to have kpop always beside me as my motivation. ^_^ Amaths CT was so-so, compared to other tests that I've done. (LOL) So ya. Hope I can pass, JUST PASS PLEASE. Urgh. ~_~ Hello Baby Ep 6 was awesome!!! PERFECT DUO: MINHO + YOOGEUN!!! ♥♥♥ Hai can't go for the awards on 13 March, ~regretful~ :'( But nvm. Hope they'll come again + on one fine day with a perfect timing. :) I have so many kdramas to watch!! Brilliant Legacy + The Slave Hunters ~_~ Omg omg omg after core geog CT im gna catch these shows honestly. I need a trip to the library too. Get my language back on track, seriously. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS BOOKWORM BOOKWORM BOOKWORM IN ME~~~ Okay im insane. Overdosage of fangirling = crazy me. ^_^~~~ K shall stop going berserk here. Kthxbye~
On a side note, Facebook horoscope: Geraldine, You need a break, you have been falling into a well-worn rut lately. Let yourself play like a child. Sing, dance, play, just for the fun of it.
I... still... can't... get over you I never forget... Boy I never forget.... boy
Can't remember how many years it has been since we broke up But I cry every time when I think about you Why I’m so eager to see you today? The sound of rain droplets leaves my heart shaken up.
I regret giving you my love I regret getting attached to you I regret holding you back Why do I have to face the pain alone? I regret giving you my love I regret getting attached to you I regret holding you back Why do I have to face the pain alone?
I tried to be your only girl And did you ever understood my heart? Now it became the compass Of broken love Tears are flowing down And soaks the dry lips Oh what should I do, Now I can't erase you out of my mind
I cried a lot because of you (I cried every night~) I laughed a lot because of you (Because of you) I believed in the love because of you (Wooh boy~) I’ve lost everything because of you I’m speechless, suffocating and lonely The world without you has Chewed out my heart Stomped on my dignity Torn apart my heart So why did you leave me behind?
It also rained on that day You’ve stared at me wordlessly You’ve stared at nothing else but me Those trembling gazes, And the awkwardly forced smile Speaks of our separation.
I regret giving you my love I regret getting attached to you I regret holding you back Why do I have to face the pain alone? I regret giving you my love I regret getting attached to you I regret holding you back Why do I have to face the pain alone?
You’ve told me to leave And the moment leave You treat me as if I’m insane It’s just too hard (boy slow down) Then I cry silently and wordlessly Cause I want to stay next to you My love is true, wanna go back to when I was with you
I cried a lot because of you (I cried every night~) I laughed a lot because of you (Because of you) I believed in the love because of you (Wooh boy~) I’ve lost everything because of you I’m speechless, suffocating and lonely The world without you has Chewed out my heart Stomped on my dignity Torn apart my heart So why did you leave me behind?
I miss you… I need you… Even in my dreams I’m with you.. I miss you… I need you… Rewind back the time I wanna kiss you again ma boy… My heart aches It’s too much to bear And where are you? (I cried a lot) Can’t live without you Please come back to me And stay with me
I cried a lot because of you (Yeah~) I laughed a lot because of you (I laughed a lot~) I believed in the love because of you (Oooh-Yeah~) I’ve lost everything because of you (Because of you~) I’m speechless, suffocating and lonely The world without you has Chewed out my heart Stomped on my dignity Torn apart my heart So why did you leave me behind?
Weeeeeeee can't wait for the full song of Lollipop 2 to be released ^^ Screw english and amaths. -_- Okay erm im so agitated right now haha. AHHHH downloaded a bunch of kpop musicccccccccccccccc FTW \m/\m/. Weeee can't wait for Hello Baby ep 6 + Star Avenue 6! MY SUNZIYOU <3 Hahahaha. After 1 week being deprived of not able to fangirl. At least i can take a breather now. MY SHOWS!!! Amaths and cgeog LEFT! FIGHTING!!!!!~~~ ^_^ k shall go fangirling byez~
Ehehehehhehe $_$ finally i see the shining light. ^_^ Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz. LTNS peoplezzzzz. Hahahahaha. CNY was pretty awesome (except for the lesser $ + super late night visitings) I miss hanging out w cozzies + relatives for family gathering. POKER MAHJONG POKER MAHJONG AHAHAHA.
Sunday was first day, went to both grandparents' houses. Thn er went to Aunt amelia's house. AWESOME SH!TZ. 47th floor (new house) ohmygawd i love the landscape. went to the 50th floor sky garden omg i luv it. +++took loads of photos shall post them below. Teehehehe. Windy + pretty sun + nice landscape + nice man-made landscape + everything. Except that the house is a little squeezy but its cozy so who cares ^_^ Thn went to Aunt Theresa's house. Stayed overnight. Woke, slept, woke, slept from 3am-7am on the sofa. Crap shitz. All 4 of us (olivia, justin + my bro) squeezing in 1 sofa. AWESOME -_- Thn went home slept till 1pm. i became nocturnal then.
Mon woke up alrd thn slack at home for the whole day thn went visiting at 9PM. DONT SEE WRONGLY IS 9PM. START VISITING. Super awesome man -_- I was so shagged. Played poker w 4 cousins + my bro from 10-2. super crazy. 2 cousins went home so left 4 of us. Too shagged slept on sofa again. 4am woke up (only 2 hours of slp) thn go home. after that went home slpt till 12.
Tues last day of no school so 12 woke up alrd thn used comp till 1, bathed, eizmom came to my house coz everyone went to granny's house. after that we ate lunch in my house alrd set off to mrsyong's house ^_^ cabbed there hehe. reached @ about 3pm i guess. was kinda lost coz we didnt knw exactly where did she stay -_- super awesome not. thn all of us (about 15 or so) went visiting @ mrsyong's house. exchanged oranges and such, thn played w ethan :) super adorableeeeeeeeeeee! Thn played big2 with xy, dzul and shenghock. Hahahaha. Thn trained home at 5 with the whole group :) Thats all.
Screw the 5 tests that i did for the week. I didnt even do any single revision. Awesome not. I dont care. And common tests should more likely be even more screwed coz of the 3rd family gathering on the 7th day aka renri. shit it. -_- ARRRGGGGGHHFFF. Now i know how fortunate justin olivia mackellen anna vanessa and my bro are :( practically all my cousins finally break free from o's except me and javier T^T So sad. its gna be my turn to get my freedom soon :( k random shit and my post is so long about cny hehe. got my $_$ and i want to go shopping w weng soon!!! MY LONG AWAITED HEADSET!!! WAIT FOR ME OKEH ^_^ pictures below. (you'll finally get to see my narcissism. ^^") kthxbyefornow :)
Happy Valentine's and Lunar New Year! ♥ Can't wait for all the KACHINGZ($$$) to roll in fast manz. Thanks to anisah, seri, eizmom, xw, xy for the VGifts! :) Love you guys much, xoxo. ^^ Shall catch Hello Baby + Star Avenue now :) Itchy hands to get more accessories :/ Aigoo. D:::: kthxbye.
Cotton on spree with mum on saturday. Had reunion dinner + usual routine @ paternal grand parents' house. Last test till the aftermath of CNY. Chemistry go! Satisfied with phy, his and SS tests marks. ^^ Dread to get Amaths back. Confirm fail. -_- Ok shall go do Coregeog + Chem hwks soon. Super tired ~_~ Can't wait for after school tmr. Teehehe. :D
I can imagine a tiring weekend ahead. Screw the pile of homework that I have now. Going shopping tmr with mummy i guess. CNY's coming and I'm not into the ~mood~ yet. -_- Screw what I'm feeling now coz' I don't know + I don't like it. Okay and screw youtube! SHINee's Hello Baby Ep. 3 is not eng subbed yet -_- Bye people love/miss me. Can't wait for outing nxt fri :)
Omg not sure whether I'm going for SHINee's fansign on sunday!! Hope eizmom can make it + mum's positive mood (SUPER IMPT). LOL. Must gooooooo! ~FAN-SCREAM~ Oh i just got off the rollercoaster ride ftm coz of an exception. Anyway why would you loyal readers want to read my blog with all the fan-girling stuffs. HAHAHA. BIG SHOW CONCERT STARTS TODAY + SHINEE IS IN SINGAPORE!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~banana dance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shall start doing hwk tmr + studying for core geog test which happens next wed. GERALDINE FIGHTING!!! ~^^~ Omg im going kpop frenzy. ~_~ I love SHINee and Big Bang for as long as i live. :) *swears* HAHAHA.
Omg hi people. Its been about 2 weeks since i posted. (Due to homo's request i decided to revive it for this moment ONLY.) LOL. And as usual, with the ~fangirl-ing mood~ on. :)
First things first. Screw amaths today (~_~ i know you know so yeah.) LOL. Okay these few weeks was just usual routines + a little more of mugging. Trying hard to struggle for sec 4 syllabus. Hope to master my subjs well -_-
Just allkpop-ed and realised that there is tons of news about BIG BAAAAANG. :) Omg the tix to their concert tour in Japan is alrdy sold out like wtf gazillion long time ago. Super awesumz. Can't wait to see the fancams!!!! (Like when will they come to SG :() And and their BIG SHOW in korea is in 3 days time!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH LOOOOL. Daesung's Cotton Candy's released! The song is rather happy just like how it blends in his personality :) So adorablez. :D AHHHHHH CANT WAIT FOR MORE BIGBANGBIGBANGBIGBANG. ^^
Gna start mugging for upcoming humans tests -_- Just screwed amaths so shan't screw any more further! *strikes determined face*
K shall stop here and start watching hp + more news on big bang kthxbye.